How to Use Local SEO to Increase Site Traffic and Conversion Rates

Local SEO (search engine optimization) is an online marketing strategy designed to increase site traffic and conversion rates.

Local SEO involves keywords and elements which enhance your rank in more localized areas, including Google My Business, citations and review signals.

Keyword research

Keyword research is a key element of local SEO, helping you target potential customers who are already searching for products or services you offer – allowing them to discover your website and make purchases!

Keywords for local searches come in two varieties, explicit and implicit. Explicit keywords may include location or spatial terms like “near me.”

Implicit keyword searches refer to searches without specifying an exact location, but Google can still guess the user’s position.

Ubersuggest or Keyword Shitter are effective tools for conducting keyword research for local search queries, offering valuable insights into search volume and trends in that region.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization is an integral component of local SEO, consisting of creating content tailored for specific keywords while taking into account your target audience’s geographic location.

On-page optimization involves making sure that your content contains relevant details about your business, services and products. The more details you offer Google about them, the higher their search results ranking will become.

When optimizing for local SEO, it’s essential that all online listings of your company contain your name, address, and phone number (NAP). This ensures consumers can easily locate you when searching on mobile devices.

WebCEO’s Rank Tracking tool can help you identify any issues thwarting the performance of your site by scanning all keywords and giving a complete report on website rankings, providing insight into any problems that might be holding it back and helping you solve any that arise.

Link building

Search engines such as Google utilize local SEO techniques to position businesses in front of consumers searching for products or services available locally. Nearly 46% of searches online involve local searches, making local SEO an efficient means of reaching potential customers online.

Local search results tend to generate higher conversion rates than general listings, making it crucial that websites optimize themselves for local searches.

Link building is an essential element of local SEO, as it helps your company rank for multiple keywords and increase domain authority. Typically, link building involves earning backlinks from websites which include your content in their posts.

As one way to build links and gain consumer exposure, guest blogging on other businesses’ sites is an effective strategy for link generation. By guest blogging you will show them your expertise while increasing exposure with consumers.

Google My Business (GMB) optimization

Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool designed to help businesses manage their digital presence for search and maps, including local customers. Once claimed, GMB profiles can be edited with all pertinent details that could provide potential leads or customers.

Google My Business (GMB) listings that post regularly can help them rank higher in results, while adding photos and videos can further boost local visibility.

Quality photos make a significant impactful statement about who and what searchers see online, so it is vital that they are well lit and in focus.

As well as including photos in your images, geotags should also be added so they will be picked up by Google when people perform searches relevant to your location.

Content creation

Content tailored specifically for local audiences will help your ranking in search results. That doesn’t mean giving up writing general pieces; simply using more local keywords will boost your standing among searchers nearby.

Not only can you write about upcoming events in your community, but you can also publish lists of products and services pertinent to it as well as how-to guides for tourists visiting.

Local SEO also involves developing relationships with businesses and organizations within your industry, which can increase its prominence and lead to an increase in traffic and leads for your business.